I associate any kind of manual labor with basically two periods in my life: Living at home as a teenager is number one.
The second is much later in life on my own – actually doing so to actively keep a roof over my head.
What ties both of these points in time together is I am not really good at Manual Labor.
Sure, you can give me long enough and I’ll do a good job, even put in some good effort. What I am is not capable and quick – I can be one or the other.
Anyone who’s done any kind of manual labor knows you need to be able to do both. Well, maybe I never succeeded at manual labor, but it bought me a few videogames and
paid my rent once or twice.
Powerwash Simulator by Futurelab is a recreation of the best kind of labor: No one is standing over your shoulder telling you to go faster. You’re free to take the time to – oh, what? I can press TAB to see if I missed a spot. OH – do I have to use a certain amount of water? I got the garage done, no, no I didn’t I missed a spot right over here. This is fun! I’m having fun. Should I be doing this faster? What if I just – what if I just spray everything with the largest nozzle. More water means more work is being done. Hold on let me get under the trim here and get a liiiittle bit of dirt that you can’t even see from any direction.
Please refrain from pointing out the fact that I have only half cleaned the front of your house. I am busy on my knees in the grass making sure the steps, the place where people walk – are the cleanest they can possibly be. I’m standing in the drive way hammering on my keyboard looking for the smallest part I missed. The heat of a digital sun is making me sweat in real life. I can smell that I am going to be outside going over this all day.
It’s not about the destination, after all. It’s all about the journey.
Oh, wait, I’m supposed to finish cleaning the house?
I think I might be re-living the worst parts of my adolescence here.
you can, and should – currently entertain yourself with PowerWash Simulator on Itch.Io