Category: self-help


One of my brother’s knees is six shards of bone held together by wire. The rest of him doesn’t fair much better, and not purely because of anything he was born with. A life of retail and wage-labor jobs, of skateboarding and heavy drinking will do that to you. In my own way, my own…


Else Heart.Break() Is a videogame about programming and computers, or maybe it’s a videogame about community and relationships. Now I am primarily a writer, so I don’t understand how those work: but I do understand how the human heart works. It’s my gift, or maybe a little bit of my curse. Maybe i’m just a…

character creation

There’s a ship floating above the planet Io, just high enough it could drop out of safe orbit in a matter of seconds. Its pilot is a fierce guardian – though she’s likely more interested in stretching her legs and enjoying a few minutes to air out on the safety of her ship. I don’t…


The days after Christmas, December 25, aren’t really a part of the year, and they aren’t really a part of next year, either. Maybe they’re the days just there at the end of the calendar to ride out holiday hangovers. Maybe, they’re the space for sitting in bed too afraid to go outside. Wishing you’d…

Fallout 76

That’s a quote from’s recent article about, of all things, Fallout 76. Maybe somewhere that quote should be printed out, framed, and hung in an office. Everyone who walks in that specific office that wants to take part in the time honored tradition of writing about videogames has to read that quote, over and…


Conventions come and conventions go. Largely, it’s going to feel like more have went than you’ve really gotten to go to. DEEP-HELL was originally us writing about convention culture, but of course got steamrolled by our tendency to instead write about anything we wanted to at any point in time. Why did we wanna write…

looking to give away sony TV

In the loneliest times in my life, there are a few hobbies I fall back on. There have been a few times in my life I’ve had minimal enough contact with the outside world that I’ve gotten desperate enough to go hunting for it. In the case of this story though, I was just looking…

a brief anecdote

On his deathbed, the one time-CEO of SEGA wavered a loan repayment worth millions of dollars of his own money that he’d once given to the company to keep it afloat. Isao Okawa had a deep passion for SEGA, and in his final moments did the company a second favor to ensure it would pass…


I came to Persona when I finally went out of my way to get my greasy teenaged hands on a copy of Persona 3 FES in 2013. Persona is a satellite of the Japanese occult role-playing-game series Shin Megami Tensei. Us Americans tend to very sparsely mention the full title of any of these games…


Eight days in is probably a little bit late to be wishing this. We hope you had a good first week of 2018. Hope you kissed somebody, or watched a movie. Started writing that novel you’ve been putting off for so long. We’ll see you a little bit later this month, so that’s something to look forward…