We we’re so excited last week: we jumped the gun on that Patreon link. We really did! But guess what: here it is again. Here’s the comprehensive list of every way you can support DEEP-HELL (DOT) COM.
This list will always be tagged under businessposting. So even if 49 years from now we’re worldwide celebrities, you can always see how down to earth we were.


We’ve updated our Patreon Those are the current reward tiers. You may notice DEEP-HELL doesn’t have a store where you can make any illicit purchases. That’s cuz we’re broke, and T-shirts cost a lot of money, and we don’t have a lot of trust to go around.  You can see physical evidence of T-shirts being worn by one of our friends right here:

He got his for free, because he’s fuckin’ cool! You can pledge real money though, and we’ll send you a t-shirt to wear as free advertising. It’s like we reward you and then you reward us. Companies trick you into doing free advertising for them all the time. We’re honest about it, and we think it’s totally cool that you’re willing to stick your neck out for us like that. Wearing my own merchandise makes me sick to my stomach but I hope it doesn’t do the same thing to you!


You can find the link to a DEEP-HELL Amazon Wishlist right in that text there. We’ll write about or use everything purchased on that gift. If you don’t feel like having your bank account connected to our update schedule, or just want to support us with a gift, that’s the best opportunity to do it. We will find some way to credit you on the website or send you a video. Yes, this list is a ton of curated trash. Buy us the maid card game, so we can make our loved ones and friends suffer.


You can follow DEEP-HELL on twitter. There will be social media links for this kind of shit one day. The twitter account is located at Twitter. We also post website updates there, starting now. If you’re the kind of person who’s too cool to browse the net all day and all night, you can just pop in there every once in awhile. We’ll probably pin the most recent updates to the top, you cool guy. We couldn’t get our desired twitter URL because it belongs to a guy specializing in gay photos of the military in eastern europe. Very important work!